Information System (IS) and Business Intelligence (BI)
BI tools are solutions to collect data and exploit them to enable analysis : generally this is extraction to dig on Excel or dynamic dashboards automatically updated.
During my interships I did an audit on existing BI tool, I implemented some IS, and use others.
I created dashboards with Qlikview for example.
Mastery of the tools on a scale of 100
Number of projects done with BI tools
Number of times where these skills where usefuls.
Informatics languages
I started learning these languages with some programming classes, and then I developped these skills doing projects.
Thanks my academic exchange programme in United States, I could practice a lot English. I joined several community such as a fraternity, which shows y ability to communicate in English and my curiosity to discover new culture.
Concerning my German I have never been in Germany during more than one week. However I have grown up near the border with Germany (about 20 km). I am consequently regulary confronted to German: I can meet regulary German people near the border and I get German radio and tv channels.
Mastery of languages on a scale of 100
Number of times where I used foreing languages.
Outils de conception web
A CMS (Content Management System) is a tool to create application and website. This enables me to create a dashboard in few days.
I learned how to use it in the student association Webmaster You! where I sold and created websites.