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At ICN Business School I have studied Managmement and specialized myself in Finance/Controling.
With the Artem alliance, ICN Business School is the first school in France which share classes with an engineering school (Mines Nancy) and artists (Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nancy) to enable students to develop a transversal view.
Level of the institution
How to read : Ranking of the top French Business School (source : SIGEM) and of the top European Business School (source : Financial Times)
My Exchange during 1 term in United States show my ability to integrate a new culture and to communicate in English.
Founded in 1849 in Ypsilanti, MI Eastern Michigan University is well known for its college of business and its informatical departement.
Level of the institution
How to read : Admission rate of college of business in 2015. American average rate in business track is 56.5%.
In France, the traditional way to go in Business School or in Engineering School is to do a preparatory classes to be able to pass the competitive exam of schools. Inherit from the French republican excellence tradition, this classes are though but fair : grades are generally low and there are lot of work.
Lycée Michel de Montaigne is the only one highschool offering preparatory classes for Business School in the department (Haut-rhin), this is the most reputed institution in the area.